Central VA VRC Regional invitation
What: Central VA VRC Regional (w/middle and high school divisions!)
When: February 5, 2011
Where: Bird High School Governor’s Academy for Engineering Studies, 10301
Courthouse Rd., Richmond, VA (w/staffed robotics lab on site!)
How Much: First team, $100.00; add’l teams from same school, $50 each
Registration Deadline: January 5, 2011
How Many: 50 teams per division
Programming Skills: Yes
Robot Skills: Yes
VEXNet or Crystal: Both
This event qualifies teams for the World Championship!
This event is open to any team wishing to attend; no qualifying is required.
Up to 50 teams per division will be accepted. If a minimum of 18 teams per
division is not reached, all teams will play in a single division. The registration fee must be paid in full no later than 2 weeks prior to the event. Register now and pay later–submit a PO for payment by Jan. 15, and
you’ll still have 30 days to pay!
Register for this event at http://robotevents.com/robot-competi...cs-competition. Contact Darlene to volunteer.
Darlene Pantaleo
[email protected]
Phone#: 804.745.2493
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