Chain or belt??

Ok, part of my team wants to try a belt after 2 years of using a chain that worked fine, our robot needs power and low end torque, so the question is…

What do YOU prefer? chain or belt?:confused:

please search before you post

You might want to look here for more discussion. (Searching the forums generally yields good results when it comes to relevant discussions.)

Or instead of repeatedly slapping him in the wrist, you guys could actually reply.

Use chains, they wont slip but the rare total slip off of the sprocket, and are very durable.

The only reason I dont like belts is because when put into high stress environments, they slip. Such as a pushing match or heavy lifting.

On Chiefdelphi it is proper etiquette to remind people to search before they post. It is useless to have multiple threads on the same topic, and causes for a very cluttered message board. I see that you are fairly new here yourself, perhaps you should read the forum policies again and start adding to the community in a positive manor.


Yup, take a look at the links posted by Greg and Billfred.

Thread closed.

How do you know you will need power and low end torque this year? Too many teams set a design in place before they see the game requirements.
Chain works well and is easy to replace/repair at events. Many teams use chain so finding what you need in other pits is an excellent recommendation for using chain.