Chairman's Award Essay

Okay, so this is the first time my team has ever done the Chairman’s Award, and I’m in charge of it, but I’m a little confused. I looked up some team’s essays that have won in the past and they weren’t in actual essay format, so i didn’t write it in essay format. However, when I entered it into STIM’s text box, all of my formatting was undone… any help?

Write the whole thing in Word, then copy and paste the whole thing into notepad. Copy it from notepad then paste it into the website.

The final submission will be plain text. Going through notepad will make sure special characters are translated correctly.

Do not use any special formatting facilities in word as it will not carry over.

You realize that as a rookie team you’re not eligible for the Chairman’s award, right?

I know some rookie teams prepare a submission for the experience, or are required to do so because of a NASA grant.

Rookie teams are not eligible for the award but they are eligible for the Rookie All-Star Award that incorporates a Chairman submission as a factor into it.

Hey, where did you find past chairman’s award winners on the FIRST site ?

I know we’re not eligible as a rookie team, but we’re NASA sponsored so we’re required to do it anyway. And to find the old essays on the FIRST site, go to FRC, Resources, For teams by teams, Websites or Must Have Resources for New Teams

Judges will not see your entry submitted through the website.
But feel free to print out a copy, or adapt as a handout, and give to the judges who visit your pit.

There are some examples here on CD - search for “Chairmans” in the CD Media.

Also look at Regional Websites (or here on CD) for Regional Chairmans Winners. Many of the winning teams publish their submissions on their websites.

As one of the teams whose website is listed on the FIRST, For Teams by Teams Website list, sorry for the confusion!

The actual submitted essay is quite ugly without the formatting. When we post a copy on our website and in our team Yearbook/Patron Book, we make it look pretty!

Thanks guys:D