Chairman's finalists?

Who are the finalists in Houston​?

1902, 3132, 3646.

2 international teams awesome!.

Chairman’s Video links:

Wow, those are some pretty impressive teams. 3132’s video was very well done, and it’s incredible how much FRC in Australia has grown with their help.

I’m really glad they gave these Chairman’s Finalist awards, there is no way I would of heard of 3646 without them. I didn’t know there was an offseason event in Turkey, that’s really neat. TBA says there are 30 teams in Turkey (I don’t know how many of those are inactive). Maybe there will be be an Istanbul Regional in a few years!

694 met 3646 at the NYC Regional last year, and they were a great team to meet. We thought they would be contenders for winning Chairman’s at champs, and we’re glad to see them become a finalist this year. We’ve met quite a few Turkish teams over the past two seasons, and all of them have been super friendly and enthusiastic about FIRST, so 694 is excited about FIRST expanding in Turkey.