Hey, guys, i’m having a problem with Chaiman’s submition. I really don’t kwow what do i have to do to solve that countoured in geen. Does someone know how to solve it?
Your image host seems to be down. Try a more reliable host like https://imgur.com
Try this link, it should work: https://uploaddeimagens.com.br/image...png?1486583228
I’ve attached the picture from the OP here, if others are having trouble accessing it.
It looks like the issue is that you haven’t filled out all that required information! Get everything to be green checks (in the right column, most stuff is currently a red X), and then you should get the submit button.
I just relized it! Thank you for answering! It was driving me crazy hahahah
That’s the same host as before, which apparently doesn’t appreciate connections from New England. I wanted a different host, because if you use the same host it won’t solve the problem. That’s why I suggested using imgur.com, which works all the time and everywhere.