Most of the regionals are finished and Chairman’s awards have been given. There are alot of teams that have won multiple regional Chairman’s awards, and just as many first year winners. What are all of your Chairman’s predictions for the national competition in Atlanta?
Hmmmmm myself and a teammate believe that it will be 1114 or 45.
I dunno… it’s kind of hard to beat 1138’s (ongoing) international outreach. Guess why New Zealand is working on a regional? How about Hawaii’s regional? Yep, I think I’ve already identified the “culprits” in those.
Team 236 is sitting on a pile of seven consecutive RCAs, which I believe is the longest active streak, if not the all-time record. This year seems as good as any for them to finally cash it in.
I have absolutely no favorites in the teams that qualify and will qualify this year for the Championship CA. That said, 234 is rock solid in every way and has been for many years. Their performance on the field and off the field is the real deal.
When 234 finally takes home the Championship Chairman’s Award, I will probably clap until blisters form on my hands.
I don’t have a favorite and if I did, it would be 418. But - I see a standard of excellence in 234 that I can’t help but recognize every single year - even with Chris’s horrible awful bad puns.
You cannot take away credit for the Hawaii Regional from Governor Linda Lingle. Although team 1138 has done some workshops here in the islands recently, it is our beyond amazing governor who is respsonsible for the Hawaii Regional. Not to mention that FIRST has been in Hawaii for 10 years with 359 and 368 as a result of an inspriring demo by the Cheesy Poofs and the hard work of Art Kimura.
I was not intending to take away any credit. But, I must ask, did the governor and the existing teams from HI do all the work for the regional, including get enough teams for one? Did not the workshops help with the teams issue? Without enough teams, there can be no regional.
234 or 45.
( ;)](
<snif> so I guess 1676 doesn’t have much of a chance.
I cast my vote for 236. Maybe I have a local bias from seeing their work personally, and often, but seven consecutive RCAs has to mean they’re doing something right. Their passion, spirit, and enthusiasm is contagious… it’s in their blood. How many teams can you say that about?
We’ll be cheering you guys on as always.
The RCA has only been around since 2003, making this the seventh year. So not only is that the longest active streak, it’s the longest streak possible. Quite impressive.
I just have to repeat what Cynette said to me:
There are so many great Chairman’s teams this year, and no matter WHO wins, I will be happy, surprised, and proud!
My heart will be for the local teams 340 and 1511 but my head says it’s time to reward 45 or 234.
I see your point and not to take any credit from 1138, Nancy and her team are amazing, but though the workshops may have been helpful, the Hawaii Regional primarily owes its existence to 1. The government 2. Nasa/BAE Systems 3. Organizations such as The Hawaii Scholastic Robotics Alliance & The Hawaii Regional Planning Committee (Mentors of many veteran Hawaii teams are members) and 4. the support and mentoring of veteran teams to start teams at other schools (4 to 25 in one year!)
I cannot speak on behalf of New Zealand, but Hawaii was definately not due to one team,person, or organization.
As for volunteering and helping with set-up etc for the regional… this is done by numerous Hawaii teams, mentors, and local volunteers…two amazing volunteers being Alex Ho and Osa Tui of 368 (this year’s volunteer of the year)
I’m pretty sure the Regional Chairman’s Award has been around since 2002. I remember watching 131 win at the first FIRST regional I ever attended (UTC Regional).
The Techno-Ticks were there, but they didn’t start their streak until the following year.
The history of these teams on reveals it all. Team 22 won the National Chairman’s Award in 2001 without any Regional Chairman’s Award.
But nonetheless, seven consecutive Regional Chairman’s Awards, six in a row from the same place. That’s very impressive.
What do you think that these teams have done that other teams have/have not done? What is important to the decision-makers, the judges? Should longevity of CA program make a difference, consecutive years/ number of years winning CA? Should longevity of team make a difference, original team, 3 year team, 5 year team, 10 year team? Should doing 1 or 2 “big” things outweigh a bunch of littler things? Should sponsor contribution to regionals/FLL make a difference?
I love these who is it going to be threads. I have got to say I have been able to pick the past 2 winners (they were pretty easy to pick). This group seems to be a lot of teams with similar resume’s. Who ever wins will be a very deserving team. Please go out to the winning teams & thank them for their hard work & dedication.
I’m just waiting for the day when they start giving out more than 1 per year. In 2000 there were 10 regionals. This year there will be more than 40 regional/state winners competing for 1 award.
If I had to bet my hair on it I would take; 234, 1108, 1114, and 236 against the field. But I am always wrong so that still give the rest a chance.
I will obviously be rooting for our local teams!
Anyone care to post a full list and save me the effort of hunting through all the regional awards sites?
the list so far
Is that just this year’s RCA results?
Are you eligible for 2 years as is the case (iirc) with the WFFA?