Championship 2015: 8 Divisions, 600 Teams

Confirmed by Frank during the Founder’s Reception broadcast tonight:

  • 600 Teams
  • 8 Divisions
  • 75 teams per field
  • 2 fields for Einstein
  • Wait-list reopens at noon on Monday.


Frank Announced tonight:

There will be 600 teams at the Championships

They will be playing on 8 fields

Einstein will have 8 alliances on from each division

There will be 2 fields for Einstein this year.


I’ll be disappointed if one of the fields isn’t Tesla field…also…HOW?! Does this mean the Einstein Fields won’t be fresh/unused (i.e., used for two of the divisions)?

So if they can support 2 fields for Einstein, they should be able to support 2 fields for MSC, right?

Einstein will have 8 alliances on from each division

Will the amount of alliances on the field change?

Real or Troll Thread?

Two fields… Hopefully what they’ll do with that is have matches running back-to-back, with setup taking place on the other field during each match. That would be fun to watch for sure! What I’m afraid they’ll do is have just as many speeches as before, with matches taking place simultaneously on both fields in between…

I still maintain that 6 divisions and a round-robin would have been really fun to watch, but I suppose this is a much better way to fit 600 teams.

It was just announced by Frank.

I don’t remember him saying that…that would mean 64 alliances in total (8 alliances from 8 divisions). That doesn’t seem right.

You mean Einstein will have 8 alliances, one from each division?


Scroll to 2:45:45

Did they announce names?

I guess we’ll find out tomorrow…

Wow… Never thought there would be 8 fields and two Einsteins

Two Einsteins means little dead time between championship matchups. That’s good!

I’m excited.


I’m curious to see how they work 2 fields for viewing purposes. From my experience, it would be very hard to see two fields at once inside the dome, especially if you’re not in the middle.

threads merged

The real question should be “what are they naming the 4 new divisions?”

This will be very interesting
I’m curious as to how they plan to fit all of the fields…

Alternate matches between the two?

They also said about 1000 match played. With an alliance of 3 teams that is 10 matches per team. With 4 teams it increases to 13.33. It is interesting that the 3 works out to a perfect integer. Maybe that means alliances are staying to 3 per team this year but this is all speculation with estimated numbers.