Championship Drayage?

We never assume that we’ll be able to attend Championship in any given year, but we prefer to make placards/stickers with the shipping address for our crate should we need it.

I emailed frcteams to ask about the shipping address for Championship (after receiving the shipping address for CVR today) and the response I got was:

We received a shipping exemption for CVR. Should we qualify for Championship there (though the odds of that happening at CVR don’t look too good), it will be difficult to affix the shipping address to our crate the following Monday when we’re already back in Hawaii thousands of miles away.

I’m just wondering why the shipping address would be kept a secret. Those who prequalified supposedly already got the address.

Just trying to determine the instructions that we would need to provide…

This year has been the most confusing and frustrating as well. First, the forms being different, then being left in the dark about the where to, and finally being told we have to ship our robot two days before the Hawaii regional to Lone Star two weeks later.
Now how the heck are we supposed to compete in Hawaii.:ahh:

If the procedure isn’t broken, why fix it?

Because if it isn’t broken you didn’t drive hard enough:D … wait, no. I think it had something to do with shipping companies not wanting to donate as much as they have in the past. Or they don’t want to donate more than they have in the past (since the number of teams keeps rising) so they just switched over to B&T so they don’t have to worry about it in the future.

Is this an assumption or based on fact?

Last time I checked, the instructions (stated in my packet at kickoff) for donated Fedex vouchers isnt guaranteed for back to back events. However, in our case, we are told its not guaranteed as of today for a week 4 to week 6 event.
Shouldn’t FIRST have told teams prior to signing up, paying for the event(s), and booking travel costs such as airfares, hotels, and transportation?

Or perhaps you dont have to worry about those kinds of things being that you can drive to events.