Hi there, let me open up with saying that it was a real honor being able to represent our team for the various awards at world championships this year. This is Team 781’s second year making it to the championship event with our Chairman’s submission, as well as Entrepreneurship. We’re pretty new to the way awards work at championship and we’re thankful for the help and encouragement that various teams have given us at regional events, over social media and at the Championship event.
Onto the topic at hand.
The main reason I start this thread is to clarify and bring to light some issues we had with judging at the championship event, specifically with non-technical awards (as that is my field of focus). In addition to our eligibility to the usual awards a team qualifies for as they attend World Champs, we also qualified for the Chairman’s and Entrepreneurship awards, as stated above. We kept representatives at our pit all the the time, ready for judges to come by and answer questions, throughout the event. We were informed that judging doesn’t occur on the first day, so I’m not concerned about that, however, judges for non-technical awards only stopped by to ask questions on the second day, with none on the third.
We were shocked by this as the second day only had two sets of judges visit us (the first asked only about our seasons challenges and achievements, while the second informed us that she was judging Engineering Inspiration and asked about our team’s contingency). I was further surprised to see judges frequently visiting neighboring pits multiple times (2-4 times each on the two days).
Now I’m not upset about not winning an award, far from it. Our team is building a foundation on the world scale at this event and it was a pleasure to attend and present for our awards. My awards team did an excellent job answering questions and they tell me that their Chairman’s presentation went extremely well with no missed lines. Overall, I’m proud of my team’s effort at the event.
I am, however, not impressed with the consistency and equality of judging (with no offence to judges of course, they have a very difficult job). Where some teams may have gotten plenty of time to demonstrate their program, other teams (ours included) did not get the same opportunity. I’m even less impressed to have been missed by judges for awards such as Entrepreneurship and Chairman’s; awards that we were supposed to be judged on as receivers of the awards at regional level.
The whole ordeal has left myself greatly offended by the system used at World Championships, and has made the commitment and effort that my fellow teammates made completely disregarded.
So now that my story is out of the way, I would like to hear from other teams about their experience this year. Hopefully it was better, but I doubt we were the only team to have been missed.
And perhaps there are somethings that need to be changed for future years to make the event run smoother and to prevent things like this from happening.
I had been discussing an idea I’ve had with some of my teammates and mentors. I’ll likely send a message off to FIRST Canada to see if this could be set in place for Canadian regional events in the 2015 season. Anyways, this might help judges to find representatives in a safer and quieter environment.
Instead of having representatives stay by their team’s pit, perhaps a room could be set up with tables for teams to set up displays (sort of like a science fair). Here judges and teams could talk to representatives about their programs while out of the way of the distractions of the pit area. Teams wouldn’t need to be using pit space to display resources and information, instead, they would have their own table space to be entirely dedicated to Chairman’s, Entrepreneurship, Engineering Inspiration, ect. It would also be a good place for teams to share resources (which has become a common occurrence the past couple years as we’ve started to establish a strong business and administrative side to our team). Sponsors could even set up booths and such as well to attract the public’s attention.
Anyways that’s my two cents on that. I look forward to hearing positive and constructive feedback, it’s greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time.