This year at the FIM District Championship event, Dave Verbrugge made some interesting announcements about different teams and how many years in a row they’d qualified for said District Championship event. If I recall correctly, he started with the teams who had attended the district championship since Michigan switched to Districts. From there he read off the teams who had qualified for the event every year of said teams’ existence, going from the oldest teams to the rookies.
Our team, 4967, was the only one mentioned who had started in 2014 and qualified for the event every year since then. Similarly, we have also attended the World Championship every year of our existence. (That’s 5 years in a row woot woot)
I guess I’m kind of curious to know what other teams have similar streaks? Aside from HOF teams, and rookies, what other teams have attended Worlds every year of their existence, whether via culture awards or field performance? Does anyone have a way to pull that data directly from TBA?
You might want to clarify your position a bit. In the world of regionals things are done a bit different than the world of districts. My team for example, has attended every FIRST world championship but not because we earned it on the field. It was because we are an original and sustaining team and a two time FIRST HoF team.
2614 has attended every year since our rookie year except 2009. Even though we were inducted into the Hall of Fame last year, we also qualified on the field by winning the Palmetto Regional and the Smoky Mountains Regional this year.
I wrote a script that lists whether a team attended every championship from 1992 to 2018 on this spreadsheet. Once it’s done populating the info for all of the teams, I’ll add some key statistics and calculate streaks. For now, you can manually check championship streaks on the spreadsheet if you’d like.
Rookie year of 2011 to 2016 was our championship streak.
Six championship qualifications and attendances.
2017 just didn’t go our way… missed it by that much… a few more inches of climbing by our alliance partner … :ahh:
We are back on track this year and hope we will be able to surpass our previous championship streak…
Looking forward to next season already, the new game really lines up with our MoonRIDERS project.
An electro-dynamic dust expulsion system to be tested on the lunar surface delivered by a Google X-Prize team.
One thing to remember is that merit-based qualification for Championship did not exist until 2004. Until around 2000ish, basically everyone who wanted to go to Championship could go. Then FIRST used an even/odd number qualification method for 2 years. Then they had a qualification method based on the season before’s results, before finally going to the Regional Winner + Chairman’s + EI + Rookie All-Star system in 2004.
The spreadsheet is now filled with data… at least with all the data available on TBA. If you make a copy of the spreadsheet and then go to Tools -> Script editor, you can see and edit the code I wrote to pull data from the TBA API.
45 and 191 are the only recorded teams to have attended every single championship event since 1992. They are followed in the most championship trips by 126 with 26.
Here is a list of the top 19 (because of ties) current streaks, which, interestingly, are also the top 19 longest champ attendance streaks ever:
This list is the top 10 current streaks of teams who are not Hall of Fame (even though a number of HoF teams’ current streaks began before they won the championship chairman’s award):
75 teams are recorded to have attended a championship every year they’ve competed (not including teams who have only competed for one season so far). However, some of these teams are no longer active.
Yes and yes. IIRC, 188 was on the 7 alliance of a division with 88 and 94, while 47 was on the 5 alliance of a different division with 639 and 27. Both lost in the quarters.
I’ll work on getting this added to TBA. Looking at the team list, it seems like Einstein was a normal division?
My plan is to add an “Einstein Division” event (2002ein), and then rename Einstein Field (2002) - The Blue Alliance to “Championship Field.” Can someone who was around back then confirm this makes sense?
Edit: I see that there is no Galileo division. Would people be opposed to labeling 2002’s Einstein Division as Galileo instead?