Championship qualification

On the first website it says that you can qualify for the championship by winning one of these awards:
Current year Technical Award winners at Regional Events (Driving Tomorrow’s Technology, Industrial Design, Leadership in Controls, and Quality Awards)

can somebody please explain these to me? Thanks in advance!

All of the regionals will have judges who go around the pits judging- on the last day those awards will be presented, and the winners will qualify for the award at the national level

The award descriptions should be on USFIRST’s webpage

but what exactly are they given out for?

Driving Tomorrow’s Technology: “This award celebrates an elegant and advantageous machine feature. This award recognizes any
aspect of engineering elegance including, but not limited to: design, wiring methods, material
selection, programming techniques, and unique machine attributes. The criteria for this award
are based on the team’s ability to concisely verbally describe, as well as demonstrate, this chosen
machine feature.”

Industrial Design: “This award celebrates form and function in an efficiently designed machine that effectively
achieves the game challenge.”

Leadership in Controls: “This award celebrates an innovative control system or application of control components to
provide unique machine functions.”

Quality Awards:“This award celebrates machine robustness in concept and fabrication.”

hope this helps