Change color that is tracked.

How can we change what color (other than green) is tracked in Mr. Watsons code?

I don’t have the code right in front of me, but I believe that the colors are changed via an array, i.e. you change them in one portion of the code and then they automatically update.

There is also a large amount of information on this in the Camera Calibration Guide

You change the color parameters in camera.h

#define R_MIN_DEFAULT 90 // Rmin for call to Track_Color()
#define R_MAX_DEFAULT 110 // Rmax for call to Track_Color()
#define G_MIN_DEFAULT 15 // Gmin for call to Track_Color()
#define G_MAX_DEFAULT 26 // Gmax for call to Track_Color()
#define B_MIN_DEFAULT 106 // Bmin for call to Track_Color()
#define B_MAX_DEFAULT 128 // Bmax for call to Track_Color()