Change Swerve with NEO into Falcon 500

I tried to change Swerve with NEO into Falcon 500. Despite building and deploying sucessfully, it still can’t run perfectly.
It could run its driveMotor at first. However, it only run its turningMotor after sometimes.
There are my code and test video below. If someone know that, please answer me. Thanks! (5.7 KB) (814 Bytes) (5.3 KB) (3.8 KB) (4.8 KB) (5.6 KB) (3.3 KB) (2.0 MB)


I suggest you take a look at this repo for Falcon swerve. Do you have SDS modules?


With 364’s code you dont need to worry about if you have other than sds modules, you just need to set a few constants for non sds swerve

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Yup, was just wondering which modules he had.

Yes, we have SDS module.
Thanks for your help. I will read that repo.

We don’t have CTRE Pigeon Gyro. Does it effect me coding?

We only have Navx.

No , you’ll need to update the sections with pigeon and implement the navx . I’d recommend taking a look at the YAGSL code on how it’s done.

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Thanks for your help. I finish it except some codes which I don’t know the meaning after searching.
offset = new Rotation3d(new Quaternion(gyro.getQuaternionW(),

Could you guy explain them to me?

You can just change it to a navx in the 364 code

Thank for you guys’ help. It really help me a lot, because we have a competition this Saterday, but we don’t have programs and programmers(I’m design team). I wish all of you a nice season next year.


Good luck at the Taiwan Playoff! I hope you get the rest of the robot programmed in time. Is the driveteam working now?

Wow! You are so smart. How do you know Taiwan Playoff?
Our codes in teleop time are mostly OK, so driverteam can start to test.

Haha just noticed the team number. That’s great have fun this weekend! Will try to watch some matches if I can!

I will be great if you watch that. By the way, what is your team number?

According to their profile, 624.

Cool, I didn’t know this website has personal profile

Just click on their username.

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