Changes from last year

Since most of the veteran teams know the kit of parts and the general rules by heart, I think it would be beneficial for us to highlight any major changes in this year’s game.


I’m certaintly no expert but this is what I can tell you.

Drill motor is beefed up.
Robot starting positions have moved to center field
Human player interaction has decreased
Pre-Fabricated motor mounts are great and new
Automation of robots is new
Scouting is going to be mega hard this year
Crates instead of balls is new, and kinda weird I think
The rule manual is smaller than I remember(could be wrong)
Brute force won’t be as much of a factor as in recent years(i think)
and finaly
Dean wasn’t on a segway, I haven’t seen him off one since it was invented.

Hope that helps

Some of the other rather large changes are that you can buy belts and wheels from any source according to the manual. We used to be limited to Skyway.

Also we are back to the price limiting factor $3500 which is supposed to include all machining and fabricating money that the team spends outside of team members (This one I have a feeling may get abused)

New is the ability to buy fabricated gearboxes and other items off the shelf if I read correctly in the manual.

One rule I will have to get clarification on is the addition of traction material to the outside circumference of the wheel appears to be not allowed, it is underlined you can only remove material from the outside of the wheel.

This rule was drafted to attempt to prevent damage to our playing field, which includes the
ramp structure, field borders, etc. Because we allow you to fabricate a wheel, it really doesn’t
make much sense for us to say:
“The outer surface of off-the-shelf wheels may be modified by removing tread material only.”
Please delete this sentence; however, now we need to address the issue of “anti-traction”
devices or anchors, i.e., devices designed to hold you firmly in one place. Anchors cannot
use metal in contact with the carpet to “stay put.” Similarly, metal traction or anchor surfaces
are not allowed on the ramp surfaces.
Add the following to Rule M17:
Anchors, i.e., devices that are deployed/used to attempt to keep one’s robot in one place and
to prevent from being moved by another robot, cannot use metal in contact with the carpet to
“stay put.” Similarly, metal traction or anchor surfaces are not allowed on the ramp or

simply put team update #4 says you can add to the outside of off the shelf wheels as long as the eheels do not damage the playing field.

We can buy pretty much anything we want as long as it’s not restricted or too expensive. (or breaks a rule)

Way cool kit of parts.

No seat motors.:frowning:

3 different traction surfaces.

The cim motor’s rpm is a lot lower (from ~5500 to ~4500 don’t remember exact specs) but since you can use the one from last year it doesn’t matter much =P

I think those big aluminum “blocks” they gave us this year are completely useless. They’re so very heavy…I know my team sure isnt using them.

I think its good the Van Door motor is back…and its nice they’ve opened up the parts this year (u can buy more things), and the cost limit is pretty good (not too high, or too low).

*Originally posted by HolyMasamune *
**The cim motor’s rpm is a lot lower (from ~5500 to ~4500 don’t remember exact specs) but since you can use the one from last year it doesn’t matter much =P **

From Update #2:

You can use motors from previous years IF AND ONLY IF they are exactly the sameas this year’s motors. For example:
› You can use last year’s CIM (Chiaphua or Atwood) motor even though the output shaft is different this year;

*Originally posted by Harrison *
I think those big aluminum “blocks” they gave us this year are completely useless. They’re so very heavy…I know my team sure isnt using them.

Those aluminum blocks (the hexagon ones I assume) are extremely useful if you want to use the pre-fabricated gearbox! Cut them to size and bore out whatever you want for an input shaft! Once you cut them down and bore them out, they are extremely light…

Anyways, they are useful if you intend on using the prefab gearbox.

*Originally posted by HolyMasamune *
**The cim motor’s rpm is a lot lower (from ~5500 to ~4500 don’t remember exact specs) but since you can use the one from last year it doesn’t matter much =P **

This year’s CIM is 5342 RPM Free Load.