Charging a System

How do you charge a pneumatics system with an offboard compressor?

If you have your system set up with everything hooked up except the compressor, you should be able to pressurize your system through your relief valve, (the 90 degree valve that should be connected somehow to your tanks.) Fill up your tanks until you reach 120 psi, then shut the valve and unplug your hose coming from the compressor.

be sure to remember that if you use this system the pneumatics manual still requires that you use the pressure switch and you get your power from your on board battery. so you will need to keep a clear shot to a spike and the digital input port on your controller if you use this method.

Yes, that would be necessary to comply with R94.

The relief valve that we got in the KOP is not a 90 degree valve.

But if you do charge it through the relief valve how do you make a connection? Is it a quick connection or is it connected by thread?

The system relief valve(the brass one with the black knob that is normally used to depressurize the system), not the compressor relief valve. I should have called it the “plug valve”.

Could someone please elaborate on this subject? I am interested in knowing the connnection between the release valve and the offboard compressor.

We ran an offboard compressor setup last year, and if you look at this picture of that robot, you can see an example of the valve with a connection for the compressor. The valve is a little to the left of the orange tape measure near the bottom of the tower. It just has a quick-release connector on one end and has the other end connected to the rest of the pneumatics system. If the compressor is not attached, opening the valve allows the air in the system to vent; if the compressor is attached it allows the compressor to charge the system; and if the valve is closed it allows the system to retain air pressure.