Chasis movement replay


So I remember on this year’s worlds, between Einstein matches there were like replays with the path and all the movement the robots did throughout the whole match

Does anyone know how can I do that for my own robot?
Like when finishing the match I get a video of how the robot moved the complete match

Thank you in advance


I can’t give you any actually helpful advice, but…

Its typically done with tags on robots and sensors around the field. [FRC Blog] Zebra MotionWorks™ for FIRST® Robotics Competition at the FIRST® Championship
You may be able to rig something similar at you buildspace, but probably not cheaply or easily. Having tracking at events will require HQ to roll out the tracking them selves (not likely) or you will need sensors on your bot. You may already calculate your position based on a camera and April tags, now try to do this continuously through out the match then figure out how to plot that data. All theoretically possible, but I don’t know of any off the shelf solution, and it seems like royal pain to a grease monkey like me.


Depending on the field I think you could probably get a decent approximation in your build space with a limelight (or webcam tbh, should not need to be in real time) and a vision pipeline. Could probably use the tracker in adobe after effects too (but that’s gonna be a fair delay) from there a simple liner transform of the coordinates should get you decent robot pose estimation (my guess within ~6 inches if the camera has good lighting, 1080p30 or better resolution, and a unique target to track with good visibility.

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