The game field is a rectangular pool with two alliances of three robots each, located on opposite sides of the pool. The objective of the game is to collect and score water balls in your alliance’s goal zone.
Each robot has a “bucket” that it can use to collect water balls from the pool. The bucket can be opened and closed using a mechanism controlled by the robot. To score a water ball, the robot must carry it to its alliance’s goal zone and deposit it into the goal.
The game starts with a number of water balls scattered around the pool. The robots can collect and score water balls during the first 30 seconds of the game, after which the robots must stop moving and the water balls remaining in the pool are counted as points.
The alliance with the most water balls in its goal zone at the end of the game wins.
Watergame confirmed.
To add specific details and point values to the FRC game concept described above, we can make the following changes:
- The game field is a rectangular pool with dimensions 10 feet by 20 feet. The pool is filled with water to a depth of 6 inches.
- The two alliances of robots are located on opposite ends of the pool. Each alliance has a rectangular goal zone that is 2 feet wide and extends the entire width of the pool (10 feet) at the back of their side of the pool.
- Each robot has a “bucket” that is a scoop attached to a mechanism that can open and close the scoop. The bucket has a capacity of 1 water ball.
- At the start of the game, 20 water balls are placed in the pool. The water balls are 2 inches in diameter and float on the surface of the water.
- The robots can collect and score water balls during the first 30 seconds of the game. To collect a water ball, the robot must approach the water ball with its scoop open and touch the water ball with the scoop. The water ball will then be collected in the scoop. To score a water ball, the robot must carry it to its alliance’s goal zone and deposit it into the goal by opening the scoop and releasing the water ball into the goal.
- If a robot drops a water ball while carrying it, the water ball remains where it was dropped and can be collected and scored by any robot.
- After the first 30 seconds of the game, the robots must stop moving and the water balls remaining in the pool are counted as points. The alliance with the most water balls in its goal zone at the end of the game wins.
- Each water ball scored in the goal zone is worth 1 point. The winning alliance receives an additional 10 points for winning the game.
- If the robots are unable to collect and score any water balls during the first 30 seconds of the game, the game ends in a tie and no points are awarded.