This is just amazing. A small, programmable, bipedal robot for (only) $1400. I love the simple construction, just bolt an arm directly to a servo horn. So good. The software must be so simple, too, because the servos handle getting correct position themselves. Imagine what other amazing mechanical articulated stuff one could do with this simple servo construction. If I can possibly find an excuse for a small, 3+jointed arm with low torque and speed on next year’s robot, I will have to use this kinda stuff. Maybe I should make a robotic hand to shift the drill gearbox, seems like no mechanical device can do it as well as a hand
absolutely incredible. I want one. Did you see its Chop-Socky there at the end of the vid?
I assume you mean that sweet kung-fu routine type thing. That is just amazing. I love they way they make the leg servos oscillate slightly while its holding a position to give i that realistic heaving motion. I’m surprised it has no grippers. Guess that will have to be my first mod
Good luck finding actuators small enough. You would have to use motors from slot cars or something, you won’t find a servo that small (without paying top dollar).
Are you really buying one? Tell me how it turns out if you do, because if it is as cool as that video makes it look like (did you see how fast it is capable of moving?!?!?!?!), I might have to get a second job . . . . .
No, I wouldn’t buy one, but it’s the simplicty of the construction that amazes me. I would try to build one myself first. It looks like you could practically build it without anything more than a hand drill and some sheet metal snips. The speed seems amazing, but that’s just how fast servos move with a low load like that. Just try some of the kit of parts servos, they are about that fast.
Yeah, but it has something like 17 servos. Good luck finding a tiny controller that can deal with that easily. Well, actually, they probably exist and I doubt that they would be ridiculously expensive. And then you could add some rotational accelerometers for balance, and all sorts of fun stuff.
Would this be small and cheap enough?