Cheapist/easiest one axis gyro?

I’m going to be working with a (extremely-budget-sensitive) sister team that is making their first foray into swerve.

I’m pretty sure that they have no IMUs in house. What’s the cheapest 1 axis gyro available that can easily interface to the roboRIO? I’m not above cobbling something from Adafruit/Pololu/Sparkfun, but hate to have to fiddle with the wiring (and possibly writing my own driver)…

If the ADXRS450 or ADIS16470 boards were still available, they would be ideal, but alas. I can’t find anything in our old parts bin that would have come in an old KOP

We can get by without for starters (just no field-relative driving)…

If there’s any teams locally that would give you an adxrs450 that’s what I would reccomend, some teams just have piles of them

There is a built in one in the Roborio I don’t think it can keep up with swerve very well though.

Accelerometer, yes. No gyro in roboRIO.

good idea. email sent.

You can also still get ADXRS450s and ADIS16470s through FIRSTChoice (which is open right now) if you don’t need something right away.

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