Hello all,
I’m the webmaster for Team 405, the Chameleons, and I was wondering if you could look at this site located at http://team405.uni.cc or http://team405.hopto.org and give me your opinion. Also, for any ideas about how to make a completely originial website, this may be idea for some of you.
could you please post a link to the website so we can see it?
Do we get a link, or do we just have to guess?
I love the layout it is very easy to navagate. The one thing that I think you and your team should decide on is a set color scheme to the whole site to make it look more friendly and also colors would set it apart from other sites. I wish you luck on getting the web award this year.
Hey Xanathos,
I have a few comments.
There appear to be two navigation bars although one can be classified as a subnavigation bar? The one on top and the one on the left side. If I were you I’d go with the left one only.
The event calednar should be in line with the ‘latest news’ subheading. It looks a bit out of place right there on the top.
The search text box on top of the page should be more prominent and it seems odd to be right on the top for that specific layout.
Are you planning on having ads on your website because apparently theres an Advertisement space above the ‘Latest News’ and ‘Popular’ subheadings. That space is taking away from your whole site.
Those green boxes are a little too much on the buttons don’t you think? I dunno this is just my opinion. I’d keep it simple, just a color change on mouseover.
You should put in a FIRST logo on your header, its one of the requirements on the FIRST website marking scheme I believe.
I love your header, it’s awesome!
All in all your site looks really great, nice, clean cut and sharp except for the above mentioned. I know you can make an awesome website since you’re almost there.
Take a look at http://www.dublinrobotics.com who also uses the Mambo tool. I think they have a pretty good layout too.
What I have said above is just my opinion and how I feel, others might think otherwise so don’t just listen to me
I saw that exceeded bandwidth quota on your site. I was wondering if you might be interested in using a apache package like XAMPP to create your own server. Oh, and thanks for giving me that url to dublinrobotics’s site, otherwise I would have had no idea of a site like mine I could use as a reference.
I am thinking that you spelled gallery wrong in your nav menu. Though now that I think about it I am not sure I have it right either. Lemme spell check this. Aha! Yeah it is gallery. Other than that I like the site.
Looks good, I do agree with Kyle that you need one color scheme. Otherwise it looks great!