Chief Delphi app

For people who didn’t know, on iOS you can click the share button and send the Chief Delphi website to your homescreen, and it will function completely like an app, showing up as an app in settings and everything. It even sends notifications to your email if you enable them. I don’t know how helpful this is and I don’t know if it works on android but I thought it might help anyone who didn’t know :slight_smile:


You can achieve the same on Android last I checked.

There is also the DiscourseHub App available on Android and iOS which if I remember correctly also allows you to select Discourse sites (like Chiefdelphi) and make app/shortcuts to them on your home screen as well.


It also sends gives direct chief delphi notifications for me, not just my email.

That’s cool, I’m new to Chief Delphi in general so I haven’t really gotten many notifications yet. I’ll look out for that.


I will say it can be temperamental and it doesn’t always happen but it works most of the time

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Honestly, I’ve never had issues with the Discourse mobile website. Probably the best built mobile website I’ve ever used.



The Berkshire Hathaway site is the best mobile (and general) site… A company with a market cap of 980 BILLION

(Yes, that is their real site)


I’ve always had the best experience with websites like that. It’s so much easier to deal with a simple text-based website than a fancy overloaded website with 8 GB of jQuery.


That works about a million times better than most websites I use on a day-to-day basis, I’m totally on board.


Thank you all for responding to my first post : ) also I started using discourse hub and it’s really good so thanks for that @ExploitSage and @Zatack7

I’d even call jquery simple (albeit incredibly outmoded) these days.

No mobile design philosophy on desktops? Count me in.