China Team buying Falcon 500s

Hello, here is FRC team 5449 from Beijing, China. And due to some well-known issues, Falcon is out of stock, so our team plans to purchase new or used Falcons. This is really important for us, since it will be late when the new motors (Kraken or new NEOs) are shipped to China! If you are willing to deal, plz communicate with me by [email protected].

Plus, the price will be discussed through email and all these Falcons would be shipped to some addresses in America.

By new NEOs do you mean Vortexes?

I hate to be that guy but NEO 1.1s are in stock right now. Highly recommend, and you could still probably ship to whatever addresses in America you have, then have them ship it to China.

If you are set on falcons though, I wish you all the luck.


Yeah, thanks a lot!!! We know that, and we have ordered some NEO 1.1s recently, but we still want to use falcons for our swerve or something else. After all, changing drivetrain would cost a lot…

do you only have falcon pinions? You can easily have another team order some for you if you want. That will be your most certain option. But, maybe you’ll get lucky and get some falcons. All the luck

Why buy NEO 1.1 when you could do the Vortex & flex preorders that launched yesterday and shipped mid december ( if you get in line soon enough ) 200$ price point max per with flex, vortex motor , and shaft? Not sure what the shipping is like to china for rev orders though? would your team even have a drive base week 1 or 2 ?

“Why”? Because theyre currently in stock and therefore can be ordered (and likely delivered) weeks before the new motors could be.