CHS Platter - Week 6 - Cheesy Champs

CHS Platter - Week 6 - Cheesy Champs

Disclaimer: This post is about the FIRST Chesapeake District Championship on the east coast. Not to be confused with another event with a similar name on the west coast. We’re really not sure how this is even confusing. They’re clearly spelled differently.

CHS District Championship

Two teams declined but two more ponied up and paid HQ $4000 so we have a full house of 60 teams this weekend at EagleBank Arena on the campus of George Mason University. We can’t wait to be back at our second favorite college venue in the district.

Number of Registered Teams: 60
TBA page: FIRST Chesapeake District Championship (2023) - The Blue Alliance
Livestream: Twitch
CHSyness: 19.02 (Oink oink)
Number of Swerves: 43

FIRST Chesapeake has 19 slots at the Championship. Take away two for Impact, one for Engineering Inspiration, and one for Rookie All-Star and we’re left with 15 at-large points spots for advancement.

We’re going to be honest with you. We’ve been too busy upgrading our robot to actually have time to write about the teams for this event. Unrelated, do you eat your cheese with a fork? Imagine that we wrote something thought provoking about your team or even reply with your own!

Here are the Top 30 ranked teams in CHSyness:

Rank Team Number Name City State CHSyness
1 2363 Triple Helix Robotics Newport News Virginia 38.07
2 836 The RoboBees Hollywood Maryland 35.60
3 401 Copperhead Robotics Blacksburg Virginia 34.28
4 1727 REX Timonium Maryland 34.06
5 1731 Fresta Valley Robotics Club Warrenton Virginia 33.67
6 1629 Garrett Coalition (GaCo) Accident Maryland 33.60
7 5804 TORCH Richmond Virginia 30.96
8 384 SPARKY 384 Henrico Virginia 29.72
9 4099 The Falcons Poolesville Maryland 27.00
10 422 The Mech Tech Dragons Richmond Virginia 25.05
11 2199 Robo-Lions Sykesville Maryland 23.99
12 4472 SuperNOVA Woodbridge Virginia 23.75
13 8592 Newton² Fairfax Virginia 23.57
14 1599 CircuiTree Mechanicsville Virginia 23.13
15 1123 AIM ⛟ Robotics Fairfax Virginia 21.81
16 623 Oakton Cougar Robotics Vienna Virginia 21.78
17 449 The Blair Robot Project Silver Spring Maryland 21.57
18 3136 Official Robotics Constructors of Ashland Ashland Virginia 21.51
19 614 Night Hawks Alexandria Virginia 21.18
20 1895 Lambda Corps Manassas Virginia 20.94
21 5724 Spartan Robotics Salem Virginia 20.79
22 686 Bovine Intervention Thurmont Maryland 20.63
23 346 RoboHawks Richmond Virginia 19.28
24 1610 :ferry: Blackwater Robotics :ferry: Franklin Virginia 18.88
25 1908 ShoreBots Eastville Virginia 18.48
26 888 Robotiators Glenelg Maryland 18.48
27 1111 Power Hawks Robotics Edgewater Maryland 17.37
28 620 Warbots 620 Vienna Virginia 17.33
29 2106 The Junkyard Dogs Goochland Virginia 16.80
30 3939 Botetourt 4-H Robotics Troutville Virginia 16.04

Good luck teams!

What exactly is CHSyness? We’re glad you asked! We take real district event results (no Championship data, sorry 4099) and merge it with some magic formulas, throw in a little Elo, then mess with it until we like the results. We also give bonus points for inside info and secret reveal videos. The way we do the calculation is subject to change week to week. Super straightforward? Yeah, we thought so. Just trust us. As we move through the season, the 2023 events will be weighted higher than 2022 events.




Looking forward to seeing a lot of folks we haven’t seen in ages.


Since the platter has been busy this week I figured I would give it a shot at making my predictions and scouting info for how I think CHS DCMP will pan out.
First off the strategy we have seen evolving throughout chs has been moving away from 2O + 1D. I expect to see almost every alliance at DCMP to run a 3O since the field is so deep at this competition.
BOLD PREDICTION: We will see at least 1 full Grid at DCMP.

Winning Alliance Prediction: 2363, 401, and 1610

2363 is coming off another 2 dominant District events where they were nearly uncontested and has one of the most consistent autos in the Region. Also 2363 sits in the top 50 robots in the world ranked by average cycles per match.

401 is also on a tear this season with one of the cleanest robots in CHS and 2 wins already under their belt. I expect they will perfect their autos to be 3 game pieces which would be tough to beat at this competition.

1610 a perennial powerhouse in CHS has had some unlucky qualifications matches and still a very powerful high scoring robot which just goes to show how deep this competition will be this year.

Teams to Watch Top Tier:

1629 is one of the top preforming everybot designs with the addition of swerve making it a lighting fast high scoring robot that will definitely be ranking high at this event.

1727 is currently ranked number 1 in CHS for top cycles with an average of 6. I expect to see them continue to almost solo the top of the grid gaining multiple extra ranking points and ranking very high.

4099 is probably the cleanest designed bot with a seamless handoff and very low and fast robot. They had a tough second competition but with this design I would be surprised to see them not it the top few seeds of DCMP with a little tuning this robot has probably the highest ceiling at the Event.

1731 is coming hot after they dominated at Bethesda and with almost a month of time to make improvements I expect to see some fast cycles and clean autos with their very efficient bot.

384 looked almost unstoppable at Glen Allen with a robot that was one of the most consistent teams that ranked high and constructed an insane Alliance that swept the event without a loss in Eliminations.

422 is looking strong amazing this year, they have been robbed of a finals appearance this season so far and will be coming to DCMP with that 1 goal in mind.

836 is coming right off a win at Timonium. This is even more impressive to see that they did this while handicapper, so I expect to see them dominate now that they will have 100 percent of their bot.

5804 already has 1 win this year and will be looking to double up at DCMP. I expect to see this team work on lowering their COG and then coming back to the field with a passion to take the win.

8592 by far looked like the team to beat at Alexandria with a PERFECT event. Absolutely incredible event from them and I have no doubt they will keep up the momentum into DCMP.

1123 is looking very fast with their expanding design that allows them to have a very low profile. With this design I expect to see them rank high again since they were rank 1 at their previous event.


1086, I have seen how quick this robot is and if they get their arm up and running they would be an insane cycler.

1599 is a very strong cycler, the only issue they have struggled with is closing out the competitions, they have 1 finalist showing already and I expect to see them continue to iterate to improve their cycles to be faster and more consistent.

346 and 8230 are both in denial that this game has cones in it.

888 has a really quick robot that is proving that side to side isn’t all its hyped up to be.


I think your a little bit low on newton and rex(I would put rex ahead of Robobees) and a little high on warbots, falcons, and bovine.
Although I think that war bots would be an excellent 3rd selection for higher alliances due to there ok abilty to score and small bot being freindly for tripple balences

I also agree with the meta changing. 2O + 1D doesn’t seem to really work. There are too many protected zones, and unless your D robot has a low CG and a swerve with a gearing in the 6’s you probably can’t even effectively disrupt the game by more than 1 cycle per robot max.

Seems more ideal to have 2.5 - 3 O robots, at least one of which only uses the double sub and/or slow ground pickups in the mayhem.

thanks for the analysis, cant wait to see everyone tomorrow!

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District champs was a ton of fun, we really appreciate all the work from teams, volunteers, and staff to make the event run so smoothly even when an entire charge station needed to be replaced. This was our first event using FRC Queue and we really liked it, my only ask for future seasons would be that CHS events leverage the FTA / CSA features to make it easier to communicate when teams have issues on field and empower teams to remotely request CSA help.

We loved getting to work with all of our alliance members in elims. We had once again followed 4099: The Falcons through their Open Alliance build blog all year but hadn’t gotten to see them at any events and were excited to get to work together for a second year in a row. The 614: Night Hawks mentor crew of @Jbkerns, @Jen.Scharl, @shivshah, and @Rishabhgadi had been a huge help making the Blacksburg event a success, and were a great support group throughout district champs, we knew when we got 614 we got a solid robot, a solid team, and solid strategy advice for our elims run. When our alliance did have issues and we needed help 1610: Blackwater Robotics was immediately ready to step in and was a great team to work with on field as always.

This was a fun season, we’re excited to visit all the CHS teams heading to the post-season expo in Houston in a couple of weeks and then to see everyone at offseason events in the fall!


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