CIM Motor Count

Our robot is currently running on the 2 gearboxes provided by FIRST, using 2 CIM motors each. This brings us to the limit on the max number of CIM motors allowed on the robot. This year, the KOP also included a CIM motor specially fit with a conveyor belt mechanism (keyed sleeve over the shaft and large spring-pressed guide). Does this modified CIM motor count to the maximum CIM motor count on a robot?

4 CIM + 1 Modified CIM = Legal??

Toby - 1396

as per rule <R43> Teams may utilize one or two additional small CIM motors (part #FR801-001) in addition to those
provided in the kit of parts. This means that you may use up to four, and no more, small CIM motors on
the robot.

The minibike motors do not count as small CIM’s. You can use at most the two included in the kit.

P.S. Not to be rude or anything, but it probably would have been a good idea to figure out how many motors you can use on your robot before the end of week 3.

MAXIMUM of 6 Total CIMs

4 Little - Big Boys: The smaller motor with more power

  • 2 came in the KOP & you can buy, borrow or trade for 2 motor

2 Big Berthas: The largish (but less powerful) motors used on a Fisher Price Scooter of some kind. The ones that have the pulley for the toothed belt (from Gates Rubber if Paul Copioli is to be believed)

  • 2 came in the KOP

Joe J.