Anyone know how many CIMs are allowed on the robot? I couldn’t find it in the rules/manual.

Small CIMs<=4. See Section 8, the subsection on motors and actuators. It’s quite blatant–something about up to two CIMs that weren’t provided in the KOP, and no more.

See <R59>

<R59> Additional motors specifically permitted on 2008 FRC ROBOTS include:
 All motors, actuators, and servos provided in the 2008 Kit Of Parts,
 HITEC HS-322HD servos,
 FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) servos (Innovation First part number 276-2162),
 FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) motors (Innovation First part number 276-2163),
 One or two additional 2-1/2” CIM motors (part #FR801-001 and/or M4-R0062-12 in addition
to those provided in the Kit Of Parts. This means that up to four, and no more, 2-1/2” CIM
motors can be used on the ROBOT.