What is the circuit breaker rupture curve used in FRC? The 120A.
There are two types of main 120a breakers that have come in the KOP.
This is the older one: https://www.team358.org/files/electrical/120aMainBreaker.pdf
This is the newer one: https://www.team358.org/files/electrical/Optifuse153-120amainbreaker.pdf
[edit] added the second after electroken posted
And I believe this is the other one:
A little off topic from what you where asking, but seeing that you are on a rookie team, I just wanted to point out that the newer breaker has been found to have a lot more safety issues and failures then the old one. So even though the Optifuse is given out in the KOPKit of Parts, I highly recommend buying the older breaker.
OK, thanks for the help!
Thanks for the collaboration
Thank you, it helped a lot
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