It seems that Universal has claimed what we all feared. A CD that can’t be ripped. Personally I don’t know how they did it, but it seem to get it working. There is a lengthy discussion @
However, no matter what they can accomplish, I can still use a line in, at my microphone jack. So seriously the only thing I think they accomplish is to make the process a little more confusing and annoying.
I have a CD that is techincally “burn proof” …The game is Operation Flashpoint…
The user manual comes with a warning stating
“Copy commercial games, such as this, is copyright infringement and is a criminal offence. Copying and re-supplying games can lead to a term of imprisonment for up to 10 years.”
Think of a copied game like stolen property.
This Codemasters game is protected by the FADE protection system. If you purchase an illegal copy of the game, you will be able to play it–but not for long. As you play, the gameplay of a pirated copy will degrade.
Make sure this doesnt happen to you. Purchase only genuine software at legitimate stores.
The way that they protect these CD’s is by breaking the redbook (I believe it’s the redbook) standard for Compact Discs. They cannot advertise the copyprotected CD’s with the Compact Disc logo. My understanding of the whole scheme is that it puts incorrect values for the checksums for various parts of the CD (the checksum is a calculated value that is based on a segment of data; it verifies that the data is uncorrupted). This causes some CD drives (namely those on computers among some others) to not be able to read these disks. I don’t think these discs will take off and even if they do, expect for CD drives that can work around this to come out soon.
You are correct. That is why you can’t copy some of the Play-Station games, but there are programs that are out there to “fix” that. If you look, I AM NOT SAYING TO, but if you do, you will find there are “ISO Rippers” and that will fix the checksum to the correct format. And the book is the “Orange Book”…
The copy-write protection doesn’t work. If anyone out there watch the Screen Savers on TechTV, than you know Patrick Norton ACCIDENTLY “broke” it and ripped away. LOL. I think they have to go back to the drawing board…
Here’s my thoughts on the burn proof CD, If there’s a way to secure it there’s a way to reverse it… i know that you can burn any CD music to diablo 2 to any other type of CD’s which are considered burn proof, copy every thing off the cd, you might even want to do a “copy .” in dos to get all the files then toss them in a folder on your hard drive then burn the data in the folder you made to a CD and bang you have a 100% working copy, now when it comes To dreamcast games forget about it, there one gig disks with a gap on the CD unless you have a burner that will burn 1 Gig CD’s and allow you to write twice you won’t be able to accomplish the task of copying one if your life depended on it becuase it’s a hardware issue and not a software one… and i’ll restate what i said earlier. If there’s a way to secure it there’s a way to reverse it… but only it’s only easy if it’s software
I do think that file sharing and ripping often break the law. If anyone moans about the evil recording industry, I don’t care, its still stealing.
That said, the movie industry tossed up all kinds of hell fire and brimstone over vhs players being able to recored. In the end, it all calmed down, because people are still willing to pay for the real McCoy.
The recording industry is going to have to accept the fact that people have access to very powerful technology, and trying to fight that is never going to work. People can be very clever about getting what they want when they are told they can’t have it.
What if you wanted to rip it into MP3 format for your MP3 player?? That player that costed alteast $100?? I can’t be able to use something that I bought for that much money, I expect to get my money back, or i can use it!! I am sorry, but the recording industry is just blowing hot air about the 500,000 dollars it is loosing a year, from their, oohh lets say, 2 BILLION dollar year industry. For granted, the people worked to get their money, that is fair in all, but when they are still making 1.5 million, it isn’t gonna hurt to lose like 50,000 dollars a year…
now there is no way to get rid of cheating in multyplayer games it’s been tried and it’s failed.
SAME THING GOES FOR THE MUSIC INDUSTRY. after all it’s 0’s and 1’s that are written on the “CD” and that is what the CD player does it reads 0’s and 1’s and i the end you can always make a prog that acts like a CD player but intead it recods the music.
I think some people will buy the “new” CD’s but NEVER will the industry get rid of people like US.
I agree with mnkysp6353, it’s not the safest way to protect there software, you would think with software with that value they would use a better form of security. All microsoft Xp software is ran with the same system and it is non-effective, they need to come up with a better way to portect it!!! The most effective way to protect software is a on-line registration, no if and or buts about it and it will check the cd-key, s/n and user name and see if they match the purchaser… there’s many way to protect software but the safest is through on-line registration…
Ydnar everything is crackable. Even if you did do something along those lines there would always be a loop hole such as the corporate version of xp where no reg code is needed. There would also be a crack out the minute the software came out. As i said EVERYTHING can be cracked. There is really NO way of protecting software not even silly dongles.
*Originally posted by mnkysp6353 *
**Ydnar everything is crackable. Even if you did do something along those lines there would always be a loop hole such as the corporate version of xp where no reg code is needed. There would also be a crack out the minute the software came out. As i said EVERYTHING can be cracked. There is really NO way of protecting software not even silly dongles. **
I agree. For every software engineer working on security measures there are 10 software engineers somewhere in the world working on a way around it. But thinking realistically, the amount of people who actually know how to implement a crack is tremendously insignificant compared to the average person who knows merely “point, click, buy software, learn to use it.” My theory- the amount of revenue lost by people who make use of cracks is insignificant compared to the net profit of people who purchase legitimate copies.
Copying CDs doesn’t always have to be illegal. If you copy a CD for your own back-up, it’s not illegal. It becomes when you distribute that burnt CD that it is illegal. I don’t know about you, but as a music freak, I have a lot of back up copies of my CDs because I don’t want the CD to get scratched up.
There is nothing that is uncrackable. The best cracking teams in the world have cracks out for software the day its released. The crackers and hackers will always have the upper hand. There is just not enough software engineers. And this pitiful cdilla copy right protection that is given to max is crap. They leave themselves wide open.