I need to know how to clear the termianl window screen from within MPLAB. ex. printf("blahblahblah
") instead of
i need something to clear the screen, if there is nothing like this please tell me a method of doing this.
There is no direct command or special ASCII the IFI Terminal Window will recognize (or at least not the last time I tried the entire ASCII string set), but you can simply send a whole bunch of carriage returns, e.g.,
You could write your own terminal or use another free one that does have a character that will clear the screen
Get a good terminal emulator, like TeraTerm, and then Google “terminal escape sequence” for the character strings that can be sent to the terminal emulator to create pretty cool user interfaces.
If you choose Adam 3A terminal emulation and then find a terminal program that supports it, you can have a complete way to control where text is put on the screen.
I dont think these work on the RC, because these are actually external function calls to the windows terminal, but I may be wrong.