Climbing Deep Cages

The object in the hole could snap under the robot’s weight.

if you haven’t seen it yet, look at Penn states ri3d, it basically has my idea built in (meaning its a viable strat, hell yea)


Ri3d Rust hounds has made such a simple and space efficient solution to deep.


Would other teams be upset if one team used two deep cages to climb? It would get the ranking point if another team parks, but I’m concerned that it takes away a third climb during playoffs.

its unfortunately against the rules, most teams would be ok but unfortunately cant do it


The short answer is “It depends”. If they weren’t going for a triple climb regardless it doesn’t matter, but it might limit your potential partners. In a strict reading of the rules “a CAGE” would be mean a singular cage. On the matter of technicalities I would recommend asking in the FRC Q&A to confirm that you can still get the points if you grab 2 of them.

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I’ll need to see a reference for this. We’ve poured over the rules, and there was a really big thread on here discussing it too. So far I haven’t found anything conclusively banning it, and it seems reasonably legal.

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6.5.2 ROBOT Scoring Criteria
To qualify for CAGE points, a ROBOT must be contacting a CAGE (with the exception of the ANCHOR), not
contacting the carpet, and may additionally contact only the following elements:
B. another ROBOT qualified for CAGE points,
C. a partner ROBOT contacted by an opponent in violation of G428, and
D. an opponent ROBOT.

To be sure a Q and A could be helpful to get a hard confirmation but in my interpreting A cage and may ONLY contact the following makes me feel safe in assuming another cage isn’t allowed



That’s a fair assessment. May I introduce you to Q19?


Good work my friend!!

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Could another cage be considered a scoring element?

No, the only SCORING ELEMENTS are corals and algeas

Loved this design the moment I saw it. However, after some thought, it seems very “swingy.” If the ROBOT swings and is contacting an ALLIANCE partner (that hasn’t qualified for CAGE points) 3 seconds after the MATCH ends, no points at all for the climb.

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SCORING ELEMENTS are items that teams use to score additional points. There are 2 types of SCORING


I can see this being avoided by making sure you climb on the cages on the edges of your barge zone. Communicating to your alliance partners to be cautious around you when in the barge zone could also mitigate the risk of contact.

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there is cad for this robot ?

Interrogating climb mechanism for the deep climb - reviewing posts . will attempt a mechanism not integrated with the algae , coral mechanism however similar package territory to that of team 686 per Youtube Reefscape Ri3d RustHounds Deep Climb Trial Run Reaction . Any input , lessons learned , realtime links appreciated

My team has been looking into methods to hang on the deep cage in 2025. Our current plan is to use linear actuators with pneumatics to hang. Are there any other ideas, or do you have recommendations?