Club For Everyone!

Are you feeling left out by all the clubs that have been springing up on CD lately?

There are clubs like:

Scaling Club
Small Wheel Club 4" or smaller
20 Pt Endgame Club
20 point auto club
Tape measure climber club
15 point auto club
0 Point Auto Club
Solo Class C Cross Club
10 Point Auto Club
Oh god did our robot just run into the driver station auto club

No problem, just join the club for everyone! Leave a reply here so that we can all join a club together!



There should be a rookie club!
And a : “I can shoot the ball instantly, no need to way for the shooter to charge or something” club!

“Flying over the defenses and I think the whole gym heard that robot land on the ground club”

-No robots were injured in the making of this statement

wait, did I read this wrong? Well this is awkward.

What about a club for teams not in any clubs?

Maybe a Tread club, since that seems to be semipopular.

or its cause we used treads, who knows? :rolleyes:

Join me if you want to be in a Club. :stuck_out_tongue: :rolleyes:

(Seriously, So many club threads!)

I believe you just put yourself in the “Shoulda searched first” Club.

I believe I have. DANG IT!

I think we should have a “Team with robot club”. As long as your team has a robot, you can join.

I thought this was a robot website, but now I’m ready for lunch!



You’re making me hungry! But it’s too late and I compete tomorrow :frowning: