Wordpress should work fine as long as you are centering the design/theme around pages instead of posts. (http://theunstandard.5thirtyone.com/ is an epic “CMS-tailored” theme)
Team 2502 has been using Homebrewed Wiki System+punBB. It was very good (we themed our wiki to look exactly like punBB.) We were able to easily make and modify pages. Real easy. So using a wiki system is an option. If you decide to do that, you should really hook up with AdamBots. Like as a designer myself, I puke at a lot of team’s websites, but AdamBots is one that I have an orgasm at. (Figuratively). One problem with this is there was not a good communication tool for email blasts/reminders/etc.
Our second year, we had a refresh. We got ExpressionEngine and the forum plugin. It was very powerful, but too powerful and too extensive for our easy-to-maintain needs. Also, the framework in which we built the new site didn’t fit the ExpressionEngine’s model too well and we had to do quite a bit of hacking around to get things working.
Our third year, this coming season, we have set up a Ruby on Rails server and we’re running the RadiantCMS. It’s very ubiquitous. It has a large developer base and plugins. For instance, I can hook up all members from Radiant to the Beast forum software on Ruby on Rails. It has page versioning, etc. It’s VERY simple. It has Layouts, Snippets, and Pages. Layouts are for the schema of the output document (so here, you can design your page as an RSS page, HTML page layout with 1 column/2column/etc, even a vcard. You get to type in the page structure. Then in snippets you can put stuff like menus/footers where it gets repeated a ton throughout every html page. Then in pages, you worry about nothing but content. This site is being rapidly designed. It took me a while to initially figure out how I was going to put the whole site together, then after that it was real simple. However, this setup is going to require at least 1ROR server and 1nginx/apache server (who says it can’t be from the same machine?). Media will have to be loaded off non-ROR server.
So I talked about WP CMS themes, Wikis, ExpressionEngine, Radiant CMS. But there are way more out there, such as Drupal. I personally think it’s much more difficult to theme Drupal or Joomla. (It’s much like how it’s impossible to theme phpBB3 because of its behemoth size). However, there are always usually a theme named Framework or “Reset” that make it easier.
What I’m trying to get at is all the software is basically the same. There is always a learning curve, but in the end, everything gets done the same. I bet AdamsBots could port their site to any CMS you throw at them. If your team has anyone who’s been using particular CMS for a while, let that influence your decision because you have someone who already knows how a CMS works.