CMU cam error 131. All serial tests passed.

I am getting error code 131 on my CMUcam. Every now and then the camera works normally but usually it just sits there with the red light on. All serial port tests passed. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?


I have no idea. I Googled “cmucam2 error code 131”, and the first result was this ChiefDelphi thread. I’m not motivated to read the whole thread, :o but it might provide you a clue.

Not really what i need. I’m tring to use the cam with the controller, not labview.

I think i will sent Kevin a PM about what code 131 actually means. Perhaps this could be remidied by using last year’s camera though i would prefer not to.

To assist you in your quest…

*Originally Posted by Jon236
in reference to my last email, I uncommented the debug line and got the following:

Camera: Inititialized abnormally with code 131

it then goes through states 1-3 and repeats

What’s the secret message in the box?


It means that the software got tired of waiting for the camera to acknowledge receipt of its first command. In other words, the camera isn’t communicating.


Have you got the TTL board connected in the controller correctly? Also note that it is somewhat loose, so a good connection may be difficult.

Jon mMittelman

Since the camera only works intermittantly it would make sense that somthing is loose. Is there a better way to ensure good contact with the TTL board?

If you wrap the cable around as they show in the manual, the cable will push on the little daughterboard a bit to help with the connection.

I’ve also found that intermittant camera functionality is often due to power issues, make sure your RC has a fresh backup battery on it.

We’re considering hot glue!

We use RTB (at least I think that’s what it’s called…). I saw some black rubber-y stuff on last year’s controller, and when I asked that’s what a teammate said it was. It looks like it would do a good job, but I can’t vouch for it as I haven’t used it before.

All I know is that electrical tape doesn’t do it.


EDIT: I see no reason not to use hot glue.

I ran into this problem a few days ago. You need a charged backup battery.