CNC Art!

This is one of our sacrificial plates. I think it has quite a Steampunk artistic look about it.
Please share your “CNC Artwork”

Must be nice to have enough money to use metal sacrifice plates. We just use wood. :stuck_out_tongue:

We use plastic for sacrificial plates. I know we’ve got one with a nice big gear outline on it; I’ll take a picture of it and post it next meeting.

Does this count as CNC Art? :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe my team has a few surprise pieces of CNC artwork gifts for some teams in South Florida made out of some polycarbonate…

701 Goes Large Format CNC art!

Dang Frank, that thing is HUGE!

You can’t retire a fixture plate until it has at least two broken #6-32 taps in it.

If you clean off oils, burrs, and any fluids, then take a couple different colored resins and put a clear coat on the whole thing, you’d have a pretty neat looking table top or piece of art there.

This is why we need a “Like” button.

Now that is a great idea!

This is an abuse of the words sacrificial plate
Its a bellypan. A nice one, but theres nothing “sacrificial plate” about this.](

Huh. You might be onto a viable fundraiser project. We could make millions!

I smell IRI auction material…

This year we had one of our mentors do some CNC work for us. With our drive train we milled up multiple gussets at once. We first drilled the holes through them and mounted them to the wood to machine them down to size.

It look as you were busy on your CNC, using an aluminium plate for all of your fixture-ing needs.

Here’s 3005’s spoil board on our CNC gantry mill (4’x8’ pro from CNC Router Parts). We actually resurfaced it right before build season, so this is an entire FRC season (so far) of parts. Hours of cutting, soaked in WD40, a few burn marks, but overall has served us very well.

I made this little bit of CNC Art when milling out a couple of my team’s logos. It’s hard to clamp large sheets of backstop onto our mill table, so I usually just grab a scrap piece of plywood that’s approximately the same size as the stock that I am using.