Cnc milling machine upgrade

hi guys our team is looking to upgrade our CNC. we currently have x-carve it only works well when cutting plexiglass. it a disaster when cutting precision holes. my main question what CNC MACHINE can we get thats not high budget (under $6500)

Thanks for the help

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Omio X8 is generally considered the best low cost cnc (about 4k) because of the community support and advantages over similarly priced cncs. You can buy from Omio or from WCP


Worth checking into, there are a few companies that offer upgrades for the X-carve using your existing electronics. This will dramatically increase your rigidity for under 2000. Due to size and span distance, it won’t be as rigid as small machines like the Omio.

If you want another, the X8 Omio is your best option under 6k.


does this company accept school PO

Another option to consider is upgrading your xcarve. We upgraded ours this off season with the inventables z axis upgrade kit (it comes pre installed on new machines) and have been able to accurately cut aluminum without problems.

Do not buy an Omio x8 from WCP. It is a terrible deal. Instead, buy directly from the source:

You can email customer support for a discount as they give one (iirc it’s like $100) for robotics teams.

Some schools may not allow you to buy direct from China.

We bought an OMIO asw. We bought from the source. Great general-purpose router, not too expensive.

We did the Xcarve upgrade and it appears to be working out. As we got the machine for nothing it was a fairly low risk undertaking, and one of our members has a dad who is a CNC operator. Good learning experience.

did you guys ever you it to cut bearing pocket? that very important

It’s a pretty good deal all things considered. You’re paying to get the product faster, with US-based support, from a US-based seller, and has the tariff price baked in to the total price. This is a good deal because

The sticker price from the manufacturer is cheaper, but add in shipping and tariff prices from China, combined with the resource costs of waiting weeks to months to get the product, and you get a figure pretty close to what WCP is offering.

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Not yet, just aluminum tube and various plastics. We would probably outsource deeper cuts.

The WCP one has a 2-3 week lead time and it took us 4 weeks to get the Omio x8 from China and with the tariff and discount it came in at $500 cheaper than WCP’s cost before including their shipping.

Like I said, weeks to months. Sometimes it’s fast, sometimes it’s slow. There have been plenty of accounts on this site of people ordering omios and waiting 3+ months to get them.

For reference, I’ve bought all my Omios from the source. I have no issues buying from China and don’t mind waiting for a while to get my machines (I believe I waited 4 weeks and 7 weeks, respectively, for my two machines). For me it was worth the $500 savings. For others, $500 may be well worth the potential time savings and ability to buy from a US company.

Tl;Dr: just because it’s not the best deal for you doesn’t mean it isn’t a good deal for someone else.

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If you need to use a purchase order and especially if your school or district does not allow you to order directly from Omio (i.e., China), then I would suggest ordering the Omio X8 from Swyft Robotics. We got ours from them for exactly these reasons and it was a very good experience.

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