
We’ve recently acquired a small cnc machine and i’ve created some sprockets using inventor design accelerator and made them and the chain doesn’t fit

so basically what i’m asking is can someone create and email me the inventor files for a 32 tooth sprocket and a 64 tooth sprocket both for #25 chain.

i made 5 sprockets before found a way to trick it into spacing that fit. i ended up making a 31 tooth sprocket with design accelerator then modifying the pattern for 33 teeth then it worked enough but the chain doesn’t quite sit down.

so i’m asking for 2 accurate inventor files for these 2 sprockets or what i’m doing wrong.


Try a search for previous thread that have discussed this. Here are two, but there may be more.

I have also noticed that the Inventor geometry for 25 chain is incorrect. I am not entirely sure what it is, but we I attempted to CNC a sprocket using the Inventor model, the chain did not fit as well (so you are not doing anything wrong). As far as what to do, I can only suggest that you consider making your own profile for the teeth and work from there. Take some calipers to the chain and the incorrect sprocket and see where Inventor went wrong and try to fix it manually. If you are short on time however, it may be more cost-effective to buy them.