Coaxial Swerve drive - Steering and moving at the same time

After designing a coaxial swerve module, we have had some talks as a team about it and realized that with bevel gears, if the robot trys to power the wheel while turning the wheel the wrong direction, the gears may lock up. We are almost positive that this is true, but I just wanted to ask the CD community ahead of time.

(image example below from another team)

No, they should not lock up, however it will take more power to turn the module one way than the other when driving the wheel. The control algorithm should compensate for this with out having to take it into account. We have used straight P and a PI controller.

I am in agreement with Gdeaver. The miter gears should not lock up regardless of how the wheels turn.

The gears don’t lock up, but there is an interaction between the drive and steering motors.

If the drive shaft (the vertical shaft shown in your picture) is held fixed and you steer the wheel, the wheel will also rotate about its axis.

If you apply a fixed torque to the drive shaft, then the wheel will speed up or slow down a little as you are steering it.

Thank you everyone, this answered my question