Code Borrowing

Our team is at our last straw. We’ve had terrible, terrible lag at both regionals we’ve gone to, and have spent pretty much the entire time at both regionals trying, unsuccessfully, to fix this. So we’ve decided to ask if anyone would be kind enough to share their non-laggy drive code with us?
(In Java please! :slight_smile: )


*No drive code is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the upload,
A part of the main.

(with apologies to John Donne)

Our drive code is bad,
It has a whole lot of lag,
Help would make us glad.


How do you know it’s specifically the drive code, and not, say, the shooter code, or target acquisition - or some other portion of the code that is causing the lag?

It could even be your Driver Station (Windoze!), or a hardware issue.

I’ll bet if you would post your code, the Java gurus here would review it for you, and maybe find the problem.

You still haven’t posted your driver station logs in your other thread

I really do apologize. I haven’t had access to our files, but they should be up in a moment.

In response to Ether, I do not believe I was very clear on what we were asking. I guess we just wanted to look through how other teams structured their code compared to ours.

Here’s our code, but I doubt you’ll gain much from looking at it. I’d be happy to help if you post your code.

It’s posted in the other thread he started:

I looked through your code. It might not have been you. If one robot is using too much bandwidth it will mess with all 6 of the robots trying to communicate. First is having this issue at a lot of competitions. Was it just you guys or multiple people.

That log they posted on the other thread says the field connectivity was great.