soo our robotics team is cleaning some stuff (mostly me during my teacher aid period) out and we often give away stuff we don’t need because its old or obsolete
anyway me and my friend now have an old t-shirt cannon robot ( we were not allowed to keep t-shirt cannon parts) along with a crio
me and my friend are planning to make a mechanum go cart just for fun the only problem is i have no idea what to do with a crio ex: can i still code in java, can I use motor controller, are there old encoder that I can use, what do all the expansion boards do, etc…
If you update the firmware and have a non-FRC image then you should be able to use the cRIO for another robot.
is there any reason not to use a non FRC image? and where would I obtain a non FRC is it pretty much the same coding wise?
What would probably happen with an FRC image is you would need to use the FRC driver station and probably some FRC specific hardware. I am not sure about the hardware part though.
I am not very knowledgeable about the old cRIOs, but there are definitely people here that are.
i’ll take any help I can get lol its also not like its incredibly import that i have this go cart just thought it would just be fun to drive around lol
The final cRIO release of RobotPy ( has artifacts + installer that will likely work with a modern version of python. Writing code for it just requires a text editor, and will be very similar to writing modern WPILib based code. I expect it’ll be much easier to install RobotPy on a cRIO than trying to get older versions of Eclipse/Wind River working.
If you use an FRC image, I believe (but have not verified) that QDriverStation has support for older FRC robots.
Good luck!
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