Code deployed successfully in Eclipse, but Roborio comm light is red?

I am pretty sure that there are thread about this before, but I have tried all of the aforementioned method and none work for me.
Here is my team set up:

  • 4 Talons motors connected to pwm port 2, 3, 4, 5 on the RoboRio
  • Running on Eclipse Neon3
  • Using an old RoboRio (approximately 1~2 years old)

The problem with my codes is that even though it build and deployed “successfully”, the DriverStation never actually detect any code, the comm light on the RoboRio is solid red and in the Riolog, it keep saying “Launching Program” over and over again without actually starting the program. I am assuming that the code is actually not hitting the RoboRio at all. But the strange thing is, this problem is only happening to Command-based programs because when I run the “getting started” example programm that come with the WPIlib plugin, everything work normally (The code actually deployed into the Rio and run normally.). The code made is just a simple driving a 4 motor robot using arcade style drive (the code is posted as a reply to this thread). Please help, this is the only thing that is stopping my team from moving forward. Thank you.

I don’t see your code.

Robot.h :

#ifndef ROBOT_H
#define ROBOT_H

//Importing Liraries
#include <memory>
#include <Commands/Command.h>
#include <IterativeRobot.h>
#include <LiveWindow/LiveWindow.h>

//Importing OI and Subsystem file
#include "OI.h"
#include "Subsystems/DriveTrain.h"

//Creating the class robot, inherting from the class IterativeRobot
class Robot: public frc::IterativeRobot {
	//Creating public pointer to the drivetrain subsystem and the oi
	static std::shared_ptr<DriveTrain> drivetrain;
	static std::unique_ptr<OI> oi;

	//Creating a private instance of the live window
	frc::LiveWindow* lw = frc::LiveWindow::GetInstance();

	//Overidding all of the default method
	void RobotInit() override;
	void AutonomousInit() override;
	void AutonomousPeriodic() override;
	void TeleopInit() override;
	void TeleopPeriodic() override;
	void TestPeriodic() override;

#endif  // ROBOT_H_


#include "Robot.h"

#include <iostream>

//Setting up the share Subsystems and oi so that the commands can use it
std::shared_ptr<DriveTrain> Robot::drivetrain = std::make_shared<DriveTrain>();
std::unique_ptr<OI> Robot::oi = std::make_unique<OI>();

//Run once on robot start up
void Robot::RobotInit() {
	//Putting the data of the drivetrain onto the smartdashboard

//Run once when robot is in autonomous mode
void Robot::AutonomousInit() {
	//Put autonomous startup here


//Keep running when the robot is in autonomous mode
void Robot::AutonomousPeriodic() {
	//Running an instance of the scheduler

//Run once when the robot go into teleoperated mode
void Robot::TeleopInit() {
	//End autonomous code here

//Keep running while the robot is in Teleoperated mode
void Robot::TeleopPeriodic() {
	//Running an instance of the scheduler

//Test Mode
void Robot::TestPeriodic() {

//Start the robot?


#ifndef OI_H_
#define OI_H_

#include <Buttons/JoystickButton.h>
#include <Joystick.h>

//Creating the class operater Interface for inputs
class OI {
	//Public contructor
	//Public method getJoystick that return the address of joystick
	frc::Joystick* GetJoystick();

	//Private object joy of class joystick
	frc::Joystick joy { 0 };


#endif  // OI_H_


#include "OI.h"

#include <WPILib.h>

OI::OI() {
	// Connect the buttons to commands

//Returning the address of the Joystick
frc::Joystick* OI::GetJoystick() {
	return &joy;


#ifndef DriveTrain_H
#define DriveTrain_H

//Importing classes
#include <Commands/Subsystem.h>
#include <Talon.h>
#include <RobotDrive.h>

//Creating a class joystick under the namespace of FRC
namespace frc {
class Joystick;

//Creating a class Drivetrain inherting from the class Subsystem
class DriveTrain : public frc::Subsystem {

	//Public contructor

	//overring the start up command
	void InitDefaultCommand() override;

	//Creating the Tank style drive method
	 * Tank style driving for the DriveTrain.
	 * @param left Speed in range -1,1]
	 * @param right Speed in range -1,1]
	void Drive(double left, double right);

	//creating an arcade style drive method
	* @param joy
	void Drive(frc::Joystick* joy);


	//Setting up the drive train
	frc::Talon frontLeft { 2 };
	frc::Talon rearLeft { 3 };
	frc::Talon frontRight { 4 };
	frc::Talon rearRight { 5 };
	frc::RobotDrive driveTrain { frontLeft, rearLeft, frontRight, rearRight };


#endif  // DriveTrain_H


//Including Files
#include "DriveTrain.h"
#include <Joystick.h>
#include <LiveWindow/LiveWindow.h>
//Including the command file
#include "Commands/ArcadeDriveWithJoystick.h"

//Creating the contructor
	: Subsystem("DriveTrain") {

	//Inverting all of the motor because the motor are wired in reverse
	driveTrain.SetInvertedMotor(RobotDrive::kFrontLeftMotor, true);
	driveTrain.SetInvertedMotor(RobotDrive::kRearLeftMotor, true);
	driveTrain.SetInvertedMotor(RobotDrive::kFrontRightMotor, true);
	driveTrain.SetInvertedMotor(RobotDrive::kRearRightMotor, true);

//Run on robot start up
void DriveTrain::InitDefaultCommand (){
	//Settting the default command to be drving this drive train with a Joystick
	SetDefaultCommand(new ArcadeDriveWithJoystick());

//Setting up the drive method
void DriveTrain::Drive(double left, double right){
	//Driving with the left and the right parameter
	driveTrain.TankDrive(left, right);

//Setting up the arcadedrive method
void DriveTrain::Drive(frc::Joystick* joy){
	//Driving with the Joystick address


#ifndef ArcadeDriveWithJoystick_H
#define ArcadeDriveWithJoystick_H
//Importing the command class
#include <Commands/Command.h>

//Creating the class inherting from the class command
class ArcadeDriveWithJoystick : public Command {
	//Calling public contructor
	//Overidding methods
	void Execute() override;
	bool IsFinished() override;
	void End() override;


#endif  // ArcadeDriveWithJoystick_H


//Including files
#include "ArcadeDriveWithJoystick.h"
#include "Robot.h"

//Calling the public contructor
ArcadeDriveWithJoystick::ArcadeDriveWithJoystick() :
			frc::Command("ArcadeDriveWithJoystick") {
				//Getting the DriveTrain subsystem.

//Run continously while IsFinished return false
void ArcadeDriveWithJoystick::Execute() {
	//Driving the drivetrain with the joystick)

// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute()
bool ArcadeDriveWithJoystick::IsFinished() {
	return false;

// Called once after isFinished returns true
void ArcadeDriveWithJoystick::End() {


Sorry, I was waiting for the admin to verify my thread and forgot about the post.