Code Error Light..

… Hi guys. Lately after running the robot for around 20 seconds, the robot switches to program state and the red “Code Error” light comes up.

At first we thought it was the radio, or extranneous code, but I don’t think that’s it, and I’m at a loss to what it could be. Our backup battery light is red, and no matter how many batteries we charge and plug in it’s still red… Hmph. I don’t understand, and any help would be appreciated.

When this happens, does your OI show a main battery voltage of 8.2 or 8.3?

Hmm… that is odd. Try reloading the master code, and then reloading your user code. But I don’t think that fix will do much. I believe you may have a bad RC. Try your old radio. Make sure you have your backup battery installed properly (Polarity correct to RC, make sure the wire didn’t pull out, so check continuity from the pins to the female connectors). Try a master reset on the RC (Press Reset, and while holding reset, push program, release reset, but keep holding program, and wait until the green light stops flashing) Reload the master and user code.

Hopefully that helps.

We have been getting this a lot recently as well. What I found to be a problem was a few lines that revolved around a timer using interrupts. If you have anything like that delete it and try again. Also if there is anything that the robot controller will not be able to do (i.e. divide by zero, use any kind of registry code such as windows clock, etc). If none of that is the problem then I am not sure and wish you the best of luck.

Yes. It does actually, now that I think of it, so we always end up changing the main battery but we know that can’t be it… Hm.

As for the other suggestions, I’ll try them in the morning, thanks =)

Sounds like the famous 8.2V bug.

=/ oye.
thanks, I had read about that before but had forgotten about it until now… Time to do some debugging! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
