Code Orange 3476 CAD and Code Release 2024

Merry Christmas!

FRC 3476, Team Code Orange is excited to share the robot CAD and Code for our 2024 robot: “Haleiwa”

Here is the link to the Onshape access: FRC 3476 Haleiwa Robot CAD

Download the SOLIDWORKS file: 3476 Haleiwa SOLIDWORKS

Github Link: Robot Code


Ive always loved the code orange use of different range sensors, looks like you have a few different types on this robot. any insight into your favorites and has your team been able to play with the lasercan this offseason?

On our robot this year, the most important/favorite sensors we have is the hall effect sensor and our breakbeam sensor. Our hall effect sensor is a sensor that detects for magnets and gives a signal, this sensor is stationed at the bottom of our carriage and at the bottom of our elevator. This allows us to always know when the carriage is at “home” and makes it so that we don’t have to manually zero the elevator every time. The other sensors the breakbeam are all on the intake on, one at the front and one at the back. The front one tells us when the note enters and the back one tells us when it is exited. Having two of these sensors allows us to do what’s called shuffling, our intake doesn’t always intake the note right in the middle so the shuffle function helps the intake center the note easily.


We haven’t done much with the laser can sensor that much because we have been very busy with other off-season projects