Hey CD. I am completely self-taught Java programmer on a team without a programming mentor. Before burdening myself with a season’s worth of code, I’m asking to see if the current structure of my team’s robot code is sustainable. It is based around Mechanical Advantage’s hardware abstractions and uses command-based. Right now only the swerve is fully programmed and tested on a robot, but some of the simpler subsystems are simulated. Let me know what you think!
I think you’re doing a great job and you seem to be on the right track. There’s no definitive way to organize a project but in my personal opinion I would move a bit more files to your lib folder and utilize that more and then just have a subsystems folder that contains only your subsystem classes (eg: Swerve.java, Intake.java, Shooter.java, etc) but again that’s only one of many ways to organize a project and I think your way works as well.