Our code was working perfectly fine then when I tried to push a new value change it does this. It normally pops up in RioLog with hundreds of codes but now it does nothing and Drive station isn’t getting any code. I’ve tried refirmwared the rio to no avail. Video is what is happening, If you want the codes from the deploy I can post those. Our robot is currently not functional so help is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you
Check the riolog in the drive station for a “Code starting” and a crash error or for basically anything.
By Riolog do you mean the stuff that shows up in the terminal on the bottom? Because the Riolog popup usually displays something but now it does nothing.
Open the DS Log as described in this section (by clicking the gear and selecting the Log) and then look at events tab.
The idea is that if your code is repeatedly crashing the RIO it may show up here (sometimes as the run time of the log being very short in time). You can see individual log files in the Log Viewer on the left side, and the time the log was running is beside each log file name.
Okay when I get back to the shop tomorrow I’ll try that and if I can’t figure out to do with whatever shows there, ill take some screenshots and send them here.
Looks like it is having communication troubles, but I know next to nothing about networking and such so I’m at a loss right now.
Similar issue as here: Build Successful but not deploying
I know you said you re-imaged your Rio but I’d try it again.
Yeah, after reimaging and redoing firmware again it started working just fine. Origianlly i just did firmware for some reason so I never imaged last night. Thanks for reminding me to do that.
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