
i need any codes that work so if u dont mind seding them to me @ [email protected] id really appreciate it

Codes that work, eh? Yeah I got some codes that work. All-weapons is my favorite one. Its Up, right, left, square…

If you are asking people for help, perhaps you should be considerate enough to at least re-read your question to check to see if it makes at least the slightest bit of sense.

Whoa! The RC controller has an All-Weapons code? I gotta get me some… :slight_smile:

Maybe he means something along the lines of
Are you black swan?
The bird flys high over ireland.
John has a long moustashe.

How about:

(Contra 30 lives code)

robin hood- 100 gold
guess the game :stuck_out_tongue:
this could be a thread under the games section.

One of the Age of Empires, I don’t remember which.

lol v good :stuck_out_tongue: (it was aoe 2)

OK, gentlemen, take your game somewhere else.

We are in the “programming” forum, and the thread starter (ali) asked for help in codes of programming. We can safely assume that FIRST Robotics may be involved. While it is good to ask what he is looking for, it is inappropriate to diverge this thread into a humorous play of wit about gaming codes.

Andy B.

ps… grrr… it is kinda fun to be the “bad guy” once in a while. :slight_smile:

yeah, i’ve started a thread in the games section under chit chat.

Getting back on topic…

What sort of code? I could send you our entire team code, but it won’t be much help to you unless you have our 'bot.

generally any code such as antonamus


The code for each robot is very specific to each robot. I seriously doubt that any team’s “code” is transferable to any other team. To begin with, what kind of sensors are you using? IR? accelerometers? Shaft encoders? Precise timing?

Do you have a specific question?

we’re using IR sensors

Then I would start with Mr. Watson’s excellent IR tracker demonstartion code at

thank you very much Mike

I’m sorry to everybody who got offended by my question since I was too demanding. I should have thought about what I wrote and am very sorry.

Your request wasn’t too demanding, but your lack of details was rather frustrating. Always describe better than you think you need to because skimming over unneccesary information is a lot easier than trying to guess at what the person means.

Those Americans, such brutes. Continue to ask questions here but be sure to be more to the point. There are tons of good people here on CD more than willing to share. Feel free to try out the search function and you may find some help there also. White papers, a great source of knowledge can be found there.

while its always good to direct a newcomer to forum rules and accepted practices, i dont usually think its necessary to editorialize. a simple pointing out of the rules is enough. replies that make light of the reader often just frustrate them more and make them feel like they have offended an entire community by posting in a manner which they may be more used to doing. (note that this isnt just to max, but to any CD members)