Posted by Joe Johnson. [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]
Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.
Posted on 12/19/99 7:13 PM MST
In Reply to: Re: Cold in a Can posted by Lora Knepper on 12/19/99 7:56 AM MST:
While I would like to say that we are good little boys and don’t thermal shock the snot out of those poor motors, I can’t 
Basically be spray the stuff here, there, and everywhere.
For the most part we have gotten away with it.
I suppose that this is because the only time we REALLY use the stuff heavily is during the elimation rounds.
More often than not we exchange the motors (drill and Fisher-Price anyway) by the next tournament so if we don’t often get a lot of cycles on the motors after our thermal shock test.
As for the Window, Seat, Van Door, & Globe motors, we haven’t had much reason to have to change them (except for the Globe motors we toasted due to our programming mistakes),
Basically, I think that the automotive motors are pretty solid when it comes to temperature shocks.
Bottom line, I am sure that it is not good for the internals of the motors to have liquid cold stuffed sprayed on them, but, sometimes it is needed if you want to have full power in time for the next match (after all, it is the heat in the windings of the motor that is reducing the output, so the cooling is most needed inside right on the arrmature).
Even so, I don’t recommend that you kids try this at home.
Joe J.