We are currently at 12 teams, and need 4 more to run the event! If you’re on the fence and have any questions, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to get you out!
We have added 2849 and have a couple other teams tentative. We will be meeting soon to decide whether we can proceed with the event and will be in touch with all registered teams in the next couple of days
The event is tomorrow! There is updated information on the website, including the final schedule and rule changes, at Event Info We look forward to seeing you there!
Colosseum Clash is CANCELLED due to Tropical Storm Ophelia. Our sincerest apologies to all teams and volunteers - thank you for all your time and we hope to be able to host you properly sometime.
Thank you so much for signing up for Colosseum Clash this year. We were looking forward to hosting you and are sorry that it fell through. Thank you for your understanding on having to cancel so late. We plan on running future Colosseum Clashes and are excited to have you all there! We will also be hosting a Week 0 on Sunday, February 25th and hope to see you there as well.
We are working with the school bookkeeper to process refunds for each of you - if you paid online we can refund online minus the online payment fee, and if you paid by check we will be sending a check back to you. We will be in touch individually with further details.