Colson Wheel on SwerveX Modules?

As the title suggests, I am simply wondering if any team has used the colson swerve wheel substitutes that SDS developed for their MK4i’s to any success on the WCP Swerve X modules. The power transmission is the same with a (I believe this is off of memory) 15T bevel gear going to a 45T larger bevel gear on the wheel, and the wheel diameter is still a 4” wheel. The only difference I have seen is the width of the wheel from their inner bearings seems to be thinner than the Swerve X wheel, but I assume someone could fix that with spacers. The only problem I ran into there was making sure the mesh between the bevel gears was perfect, and thus the reason of this post. Any help or advice is appreciated!

Team100 made a set of SwerveX Colson wheels over the summer, and they seem to be working well now, on concrete. I wasn’t directly involved, but from my distant viewpoint it seemed like the hard parts were workholding and springback of the rubbery material. If you’re up for a CNC challenge I would suggest milling a set yourself. If you just want the benefit of Colson’s on swerve then I’d suggest the Buy Swerve Wheels option, or WCP themselves are working on a Colson option too.

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Thank you for the responses, these are very helpful.

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