Combine Lego and Vex parts?

Before I bought the Vex Robotics Kit, I bought Lego Mindstorms Kit and found out that the micro controller has three input ports and three output ports which prevented me from inventing more complex robots. The Vex micro controller has more input/output ports that would allow me to invent more complex robots. I put an Lego axle connector and a Lego large wheel on the Vex servo and they fit. One problem: How to make parts that adapt Vex motors and servos to Lego bricks and plates. Is it possible?

I would use a flat plate (note I said plate not brick) above the lego piece that you want to mount the vex part to, and then use some external fastener, either a strip of velcro, or some other tacky (non-chemical) adhesive.

I’m not sure if super glue, or loctite would eat through lego bricks (I’m guessing it may do something to it), but I do know that lego models for promotional reasons (large models at Lego-Land theme park, and in-store displays for example) are fixed with a type of glue that won’t eat away at the bricks.

Whatever you come up with, keep us posted.

All you really need to do is to find a way to lock the output shaft of the Vex motor to a Lego Part. I would shy away from using chemical fasteners, especially if you want to use these Vex and/or Lego parts for something else in the future. One viable option might be to use one of the 60 tooth Vex gears on the output shaft of the Vex Servo/Motor. This gear already has two holes drilled into it. From there, I would find a Lego Beam or similar part, and bolt the Lego beam to the 60 tooth Vex gear. (The 8/32 screws in the Vex kits work perfect for this.) From there, you can find one of the Lego beams that has the locked axles holes in it (such as this) and connect that to the Lego beam that was bolted to the 60 tooth Vex gear.

I drilled three holes in a 4X6 Lego plate, placed 1X5 pieces of VEX long bar on both sides of the Lego plate, and screwed these parts to VEX motor/servo. I cut a square bar to correct length and used gap-filling glue to put the square bar and Lego axle joiner together.