Coming Soon... FREE Web domains!!

I don’t know how many of you have heard about this yet, but a new registrar named dotMP will be offering free domains to the public starting on September 1, 2008. This will be great for this past season’s rookie teams who don’t already have a team website, upcoming rookie teams, and even those teams with a very limited budget. There is only one catch, instead of the domain being .com, .org, etc. it will be .mp

You can find more information on the company and getting domains at

I hope to see a web url attached to the information submitted to FIRST by just about every team within the next couple seasons. :cool:

That’s interesting, but from my experiance the cost of the domain is minimal compared to the cost of even marginal hosting.

Is it just me or is that site down?

I guess the Northern Marianas aren’t planning on using all their bandwidth.

It appears to be down now.

personally i tihnk teams can punch out $100 dollars when they’re already spending $6000 dollars for a kit

ill stick with Bluehost!

Teams could use the Sevaa deal, and only pay for the domain and get sponsored hosting

OR they could get the free domain, download XAMPP or Apache or something and host everything on a half decent computer at someones house.


…Which is fine if you have fiber straight to your house, like Verizon’s FiOS or sometimes AT&T’s U-Verse.

Otherwise, I’d say your ISP may not like you hosting websites off a non-business Internet plan.

Here is a copy of what appears on the linked page: Account Suspended

Yeah. I know AT&T blocks a lot of ports and I have to forward traffic on a non-standard port for it to work. I’ve heard that Comcast Burst works fairly well also. The down side is that it probably costs upwards of $100/month. By that time, it’s more cost effective to go with GoDaddy for like $20/month.