coming Soon To A Theater Near You!

:smiley: Oh June 4th Harry Potter Comes Out! Yey! Yes, I am a bit too old to be excited about a movie but a girl has to have something to do when robotics season is over. Right?

Anyone else gonna be there at 12:00 AM Friday? :slight_smile:

Sad to say I have to wait till sunday. So Sadā€¦:frowning:

Harry Potter is going to be horribleā€¦not the movie, the working conditions. I work at a movie theater, and let me tell you ā€œkidsā€ movies are the worst! This past weekend Shrek 2 (which plays on 4 of our 10 screens) sold out all 20 showings! We had one Shrek starting every 20 minutes and they ALL sold out. The one redeeming factor is that kids get excited for Harry Potter and they come dressed up as their favorite character. Kinda reminds me of a FIRST event, hundreds of kids getting excited over one common thingā€¦makes me wish I werenā€™t going to college. Oh well Iā€™ll be back next year to help mentor and hopefully volunteering at some of the regionals.

P.S. Donā€™t forget about this summerā€™s other blockbuster ā€œSPIDERMAN 2ā€ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

iā€™ll probably have 10 red squares after today for saying this, but i donā€™t like Harry Potter at all. I read half of the first book and stopped from boredom, and Iā€™ve seen the two movies, which i also found boring. I LOVE Lord of the Rings, though. i just find the whole plotline of harry potter to be cliche and, well, kind of dumb. does anybody else agree with me?

Iā€™m a bit of a Potter freak myself, I have reserved tickets for Friday night. It looks to be good, I think theyā€™ve done a pretty good job hitting all the major points in the books in the last two movies.

I love the Harry Potter books, but I can see where there would be a difficult line to draw. It really is a series where you have to see it a certain way or itā€™s just not enjoyable. I however have to say Iā€™m not fond of the past 2 movies, but with the new director and all I have high hopes for the 3rd. That is all. GRIN. I love LOTR ā€¦

Only 1 decent movie will be out this summer

Anchorman: The Ron Burgundy Story :stuck_out_tongue:

I love LOTR ā€¦A Harry Potter is better than the things that been out latelyā€¦like Cabin Fever or 28 days laterā€¦gargabeā€¦yuck >_< but hey its my opinion

Read the 4th book. and the 5th. and if they donā€™t make sense, start at 1. They get better.

I loved the Harry Potter series, as did my mom, I finished the 5th book in a day, and this fri movie number 3 comes out, that was my fav on out of all 5, so i cant wait. I also wanna know how they put the new dumbledore in their since the old one died :frowning: , the guy was born to be Dumbledore, but yea im seeing it this fri, and also yes LOTR ows too.

I agree with what Astronauth said ā€¦ but at the same time I agree with you about the plotline ā€¦ but keep in mind I have read all of the books so far 4 times in total, and so many more times from just random readings.

I will be there on Friday ā€¦ not 12 AM ā€¦ more like 7 PM is the show, but I will be there at 5 (after I finish helping my friend get ready for grad) ā€¦ and I will have an awesome time ā€¦


the only thing I can say is:

Will it ever be Friday?

wow, iā€™ve never been quoted so many times from the same message!

i guess i just dont like the whole theme of harry potter. the magic wands, the silly school-kid antics of the characters. at times i donā€™t know whether they want me to be amazed or to laugh. much of it seems like a parody to me, i donā€™t know, i just think they tried to put to much humor into a fantacy series. they tried to make a Men In Black with wizards I guess.

I do have to admit there are some cool things in harry potter. the part in the second one where he writes in the book and it writes back to him - thats cool :smiley:

harry potter is cool to me. the second one was the bast

Iā€™m down here at Disneyland, and the theaters in Downtown Disney arenā€™t having a midnight showing. :frowning: We got tickets for 6:15pm on Friday, though, so itā€™s not all bad. Iā€™m muy excited about this one.